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Zero Deforestation
Peruvian Cocoa

Grown with pride in the warm
lands of the Ucayali jungle

The farms of our partners apply the zero deforestation model that allows:

Protect the


emissions of
Greenhouse gases


Discover everything we have to offer from the heart of the tropical forest: the tradition of our coffees, the fine aroma, flavor of chocolates and all our cocoa products that are the most exquisite in the jungle of Peru.

Banaqui Curimaná, alimentos exóticos con los perfiles más finos cultivados con amor por 70 familias de Ucayali. Que con optimismo se dedican al cultivo de cacao desarrollando prácticas de conservación

Variedades finas cultivadas en las cálidas tierras de la selva por 70 familias de Ucayali, Perú. Nuestro café está elaborado con los mejores frutos rojos que aseguran un óptimo balance entre sabor y aroma. Nuestro cacao es una variedad exótica y extraordinaria que conquistó el paladar de austriacos, italianos y suizos quiénes lo prefieren para elaborar los chocolates más finos. De acidez suave con toques a limón y mandarina nuestro cacao criollo destaca como uno de los mejores en el mercado local, regional y mundial.

Nuestra marca de chocolates Banaqui Curimaná logró combinar la tecnología de vanguardia con las tradiciones ancestrales de nuestros pueblos para la producción de un chocolate único.

Hoy ofrecemos la selección de chocolates definitiva para los gustos más finos. Gracias a su atractivo diseño y empaque es ideal como regalo para un ser querido o como presente en reuniones corporativas.


We are a group of small producers committed to the recovery of the Shipiba identity and the conservation of the wild flora and fauna of the low jungle, developing life change in all actors through the cocoa bean as a productive wealth of the Ucayali region.


By 2024 we will be committed, sensitized and identified partners with the organization, who produce quality cocoa beans obtaining differentiated products with added value, achieving sustainable development for the benefit of the community, revaluing the regional culture and living in a recovered ecological environment, with native trees and exotic animal species.


Banaqui Curimaná






Curimaná — Ucayali — Peru


4,797.50 Has


12 trees / Ha

Exportable Offer

1444, 139 TM
58 containers
358 bags per container


All year round
ay, June and July with greater frequency (large campaign)
November, December and January less frequently (small campaign)


FairTrade — 1.444,139 TM
Organic — 809, 403 TM
Bio Suisse — 809, 403 TM

We offer 3 products

On the farms of our partners we grow different varieties, of which
we elaborate 3 different profiles and we would like you to try, evaluate and we
guarantee that the cocoa made by us will meet all the
needs of your customers.

On the farms of our partners we grow different varieties, of which we elaborate 3 different profiles and we would like you to try, evaluate and we guarantee that the cocoa made by us will meet all the needs of your customers.

Remember that by buying Curimaná cocoa you join the zero deforestation model.

Curimana Valley
(CCN – 51)​

Aroma — Chocolate, panela, honey
Flavor — Nuts, walnut, panela
Bitterness — Mild
Acidity — Lemon, mandarin

Aroma — Chocolate, fresh cocoa
Flavor — Creamy, nuts, peanuts
Bitterness — Light medicinal, soft
Acidity — Soft fruity

Aromatic Curimaná

Curimana Valley


Aroma — Cocoa
Flavor — Nuts, walnut, panela
Bitterness — Medium
Acidity — Lemon, mandarin

The quality of the bean guarantees us the
ongoing work with partners

And we would like to demonstrate what methods and tools we use to achieve this.



Activities and

Organic management

Workshops and

Support in
grain collection



Now we want you to know how we work at
each stage of production.

Now we want you to know how we work at each stage of production.


First we select grains of good genetics with high yield and good profile, then we design farms according to zero deforestation model, we sow, fertilize, nourish the land, control weeds, manage shadows and carry out phytosanitary control.


We review the crop to determine the maturity of the cocoa, then we begin to harvest the pods using a specialized machete, and at the end we place the collected fruits in a basket and with a small machete without edge we break the pod, separating the overripe beans from the beans of optimal ripening.


We receive the partner's beans to place them in wooden drawers of the Mauba species, we cover with polypropylene sacks to generate heat and obtain a good aerobic fermentation process. The seeds will remain like this for 6 days, with a first removal given the 72 hours, from the 4th day the removals will be every 24 hours. Temperatures at this stage range from 38 — 39°C


On the 7th day the grains are derived to a specific area for this purpose, under a calamine roof to be placed on polypropylene bags 5 or 10 cm above the soil surface. The temperature at this stage ranges from 34 to 35°C.


At this stage the cocoa beans are spread on polypropylene blankets on a swath surface. We make sure to separate the seeds to form thin layers for more even drying. This process takes 3 to 4 days depending on the weather factor because an optimal temperature of 30 to 33°C must be reached


Receiving the cocoa in storage, we evaluate the quality to identify profile, then weigh and cancel the producer according to the market price. Then, we classify according to quality, origin and certification, locating the place that corresponds to this cocoa. We store under rigorously controlled conditions. We use GrainPro bags.


We work in the best way to protect the cocoa beans in the shipping containers using a lining for the container itself. Shipping is done in GrainPro double layer bags.
First stage
Second stage
Third stage
Fourth stage
Fifth stage
Sixth stage
Seventh stage

Discover how


Ver infografía completa

The business model free of deforestation and low GHG emissions, together with the investment model, have been designed and implemented within the framework of the project "Business models to address the drivers of deforestation in Peru – Sustainable Amazon Businesses" (SAB), led by the International Tropical Agriculture Center (CIAT) as part of the Alliance between Bioversity International and CIAT, in coordination with the Ministry of the Environment (MINAM), the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (MIDAGRI) of Peru and the Regional Government of Ucayali (GOREU), and in partnership with the international consultancy Climate Focus (CF). Within the framework of the project, the strategy "Towards a cocoa and chocolate chain free of deforestation and low in GHG emissions: Current status, opportunities with a value chain approach and action plan" was generated, elaborated from the perspective of forest conservation and the recovery of degraded ecosystems and with solutions provided by the actors of the chain. This project is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI), supported by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of Germany (BMU)


Friter Salas Fasabi
Caserío Nueva Alianza

I am a member of the Central Committee with Development to the Future of Curimaná. I thank God for giving me life, strength and health. I have small plots of cocoa and I am reaping with joy what this generous land provides us. I came from San Martín, when I was a child, there I helped my parents to grow corn.

Our childhood was difficult, even more so when corn crops did not provide us with a solid and stable economy, it was then that we decided it was time to change and use our land to grow cocoa. We are happy to have taken this path.

We have an ancestral work system: the minga. We help each other with brothers to grow cocoa. We met early, with the first rays of the sun. We bring masato, chicha and shibé to regain strength. We grow the farm all day.

Cocoa has allowed me to have a quiet life, it has taught me to live in harmony with nature. I learned that humility and the earth are everything and I hope to pass this legacy on to my children.
Shibé: Typical jungle drink made from fermented cassava.

Remberto Satalaya Tuanam
Caserío Arenalillo

I am originally from San Martín, a hot land of the jungle, known for its food and its feast of San Juan. In my beginnings I grew coca, on land in Saposoa, capital of the province of Huallaga. At that time there was a strong repression of the government towards the people who were dedicated to these crops, we were careful but still we did not feel satisfied with what he did.

I moved to Ucayali, my Shipiba roots allowed me to adapt to this environment very easily. Many products were grown here, some lost economic strength and dedicating themselves to it did not help to have a good economy at home. I decided then that I wanted to grow cocoa, a flagship product.
We didn't have much experience at first, my kids pushed me to continue with this; we were informed, some technicians trained us, I thank them. Today, my family has a small plot of land that is our greatest pride.

Manuel Satalaya Tuanama
Caserío Arenalillo

I come from the San Martín region, there I was born and lived my first years. I arrived in Ucayali fleeing a life wrapped in illicit products, violence and narcoterrorism of the 90's. I wanted to use my strength for the good of the field, to leave everything bad behind. He was 16 years old at the time. To give new meaning to my life I first worked as a watchman until I was 20 years old. After a long time I moved to Curimaná to reunite with my parents and work in agriculture. At that time a program to grow cocoa emerged, there was technical training and I began to get excited about this new life. We got fully involved in the planting of cocoa until we formed an association of cocoa farmers of which I am a part. I have 5 hectares: 3 in production and 2 in growth, plots of which my family and I are proud. Cocoa is a product that has allowed us to live with tranquility and we hope to inherit this way of life to our children.

We move forward, instilling in these new generations the love for the countryside and the cultivation of the finest cocoa.

James Satalaya Tuanama
Caserío Nueva Alianza

I arrived in Ucayali in 1997, on August 9. I am originally from San Martín. My beginnings as a country man took place in the province of Huallaga, here I lived with my wife cultivating the land. Out of love for my parents I decided to move to Ucayali, they had been living here for five years. This place attracted me in many ways: its mountains, its crops, its jungle.

This area was known for its banana crops, I dedicated myself to that, however, the economy changed and banana cultivation was no longer profitable. I went on to plant cotton, then corn; from corn I went to livestock, without so much success. These failures gave me the experience and knowledge to surpass myself. I decided to try it with cocoa and I'm very happy about this. Today I have 5 hectares of cultivation that are my greatest joy.


The three

A people with ancestral ethnic roots, ancient culture and abundant natural resources cultivating the best fruits to offer them to the world.

Curimaná, land of hardened agricultural producers, owes its origin to three important resources, its treasures, which are part of the heritage of its ancestors and the abundance and generosity of the jungle: the cocoa of fine aroma, the tropical forests and the Shipibos aboriginal peoples.


The first treasure is its criollo
cocoa, elongated fruit and of
lively and deep colors.

Cocoa has been present in the original cultures of the jungle since the beginning of humanity and was considered food of the divinities. Today it is cultivated and consumed as part of the usual diet of these native peoples.
Its white interior and elongated seeds are covered by a rigid but soft shell inside. Its flavor is sweet and exquisite as well as being a food rich in nutrients and natural fat so it provides a better flavor and aroma when it comes to transforming it into chocolate.

The cob has ten grooves along its entire surface giving it a unique and characteristic appearance. Curimaná cocoa is a very fine variety whose aroma of red fruits, nuts and chocolate captivate the senses; its lemon and tangerine acidity give it that touch of unique flavor of tropical fruits.

Ending our trip, I want to ask you


If so, what do you think of this proposal?

Taste the profiles of our cocoa that we grow in the warm jungles of Ucayali

Visit the farms of the partners and get to know the mysterious Shipiba culture

Study the zero deforestation model, thanks to which we protect forests